
Former The Bachelor SA star allegedly homeless

 Critically-acclaimed former reality TV star, Lee Thompson is reportedly homeless. 

 According to a Channel24 expose,he has been living in a homeless shelter after his alleged eviction from a guesthouse in Buitenkant street in Cape Town where he had been leasing a room for R300 per night. 

 The publication states that the room he rented "was filled with filth ranging from condoms and liquor bottles to broken items which the guesthouse owner described as "a nest" and a "pigsty". 

IOL reports that the former reality TV star had previously also promised his fanbase a revealing tell-all book The Truth Behind The Rose about "about the good, the bad and the ugly truth of reality TV" through an online link he had shared at the time - the book never materialised despite pre-orders.

 Meanwhile TV production giant M-net released a statement giving their stance into the TV star's alleged misfortune.

 “The re-adjustment back to every-day life once a show is wrapped is taken very seriously. As such, working with our producers, we ensure that we give our stars robust support and tools to help them reintegrate back into society and this has helped many to resume their lives successfully.

 “The sad reality is that not all manage to do so sustainably, with some subsequently falling into unfavourable circumstances years after the end of their association with our shows," read the statement.

 Thompson rose to fame in the first season of the cult reality TV show, The Bachelor SA on M-net in 2019.

Photo: Facebook/ Lee Thompson